1. Plan to change the existing spark plug to the Iridium park plugs which are relatively expensive. Have resaerched and found that they improve performance and economy as well.
2. Change the battery to accomodate the Fazer's horn and change the headlight bulb to a brighter one. Which battery and bulb should a go for without hurting the bike??
3. I see that the tyres flatten pretty quick and i have heard of this nitrogen gas thats been pumpe into tubeless tyres of cars which require no refilling for almost an year. Does this really work??
I am looking for precise answers from someone who have dealt with these issue previously.
Thanks in advance,
MohitHow to improve the performance of my YAMAHA FZ16 bike?Iridium spark plugs are good, I use them but don`t expect huge gains.
Changing the battery can be difficult, any more powerful battery will be larger and wont fit. If the horn is too quiet and most modern horns are. It would be easier to get a louder horn. Sorry I cant help with the bulb , ask at your local supplier. As to the tyres if they are going flat quickly you must have a problem with either the rims or valves. If air can escape so will nitrogen. I have only heard of it used in race cars where they use it to keep temperatures down not to prevent leakage.How to improve the performance of my YAMAHA FZ16 bike?try yzf R6.