Wednesday, September 14, 2011
How do I replace my HID headlight bulbs?
I was wonder how I would change the bulbs on my HID headlights. They're size 9006. I bought a car with this type of lights and it went out the 2nd day i had it. Or how much would it be to convert them back to regular lights and is it difficult. Thanks. any advice would be appreciated. No smart *** remarks plez. =) Thanks.How do I replace my HID headlight bulbs?depend on vehicle, but most come out the back, if so just gently twist counterclockwise and pull. Replace with any bulb that fits. Your auto parts store will help you get the right ones. Be sure to carefully clean off your finger prints with alcohol after replacing.How do I replace my HID headlight bulbs?DO NOT touch the glass part with any part of your finger. The oils will cause them to blow out ASAP. Put paper towels around the area so no grease gets on the new bulb.